Graciela Martínez Palli
Research group
- Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory diseases Accredited researcher (R3A)
Featured publications
Post-discharge impact and cost-consequence analysis of prehabilitation in high-risk patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: secondary results from a randomised controlled trial
Authors:Reference: British Journal Of Anaesthesia 2019. -
Evaluation of integrated care services in Catalonia: population-based and service-based real-life deployment protocols
Authors:Reference: Bmc Health Services Research 2019. -
Computerized tests to evaluate recovery of cognitive function after deep sedation with propofol and remifentanil for colonoscopy
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Clinical Monitoring And Computing 2019. -
Multimodal prehabilitation in colorectal cancer patients to improve functional capacity and reduce postoperative complications: the first international randomized controlled trial for multimodal prehabilitation
Authors:Reference: Bmc Cancer 2019. -
Protocol for regional implementation of collaborative self-management services to promote physical activity
Authors:Reference: Bmc Health Services Research 2018. -
Fit for surgery? Evidence supporting prehabilitation programs
Authors:Reference: British Journal Of Anaesthesia 2018. -
Individualised perioperative open-lung approach versus standard protective ventilation in abdominal surgery (iPROVE): A randomised controlled trial
Authors:Reference: Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2018. -
Personalised Prehabilitation in High-risk Patients Undergoing Elective Major Abdominal Surgery: A Randomized Blinded Controlled Trial.
Authors:Reference: Annals Of Surgery 2018.