Blanca Molins
Research group
- Ocular inflammation: clinical and experimental studies Accredited researcher (R3A)
Featured publications
Shear stress modulates inner blood retinal barrier phenotype
Authors:Reference: Experimental Eye Research 2019. -
Aqueous Humour Cytokine Changes with Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant Injection for Diabetic Macular Edema
Authors:Reference: Ocular Immunology And Inflammation 2019. -
Anatomic Response to Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant and Baseline Aqueous Humor Cytokine Levels in Diabetic Macular Edema
Authors:Reference: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2019. -
C-reactive protein as a therapeutic target in age-related macular degeneration
Authors:Reference: Frontiers In Immunology 2018. -
Targeting interleukin-6 in autoimmune uveitis.
Authors:Reference: Autoimmunity Reviews 2017. -
Long-Term Effects of Tocilizumab Therapy for Refractory Uveitis-Related Macular Edema
Authors:Reference: Ophthalmology 2014. -
Platelet mimetic particles for targeting thrombi in flowing blood
Authors:Reference: Advanced Materials 2012. -
Glucose-regulated protein 78 and platelet deposition: effect of rosuvastatin
Authors:Reference: Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology 2010. -
C-reactive protein isoforms differ in their effects on thrombus growth
Authors:Reference: Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology 2008.
Featured Projects
Proteina C-reactiva monomérica como biomarcador y diana terapéutica de la degeneración macular asociada a la edad
Principal investigator: Blanca Molins MonteysFunder: Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICode: PI19/00265Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/03/2024 -
Prevención, detección precoz y tratamiento de la patología ocular prevalente degenerativa y crónica
Funder: HOSPITAL CLINICO Y PROVINCIAL DE BARCELONA (Sede o evento); Instituto de Salud Carlos III ; RETICS (Programa financiador competitivo)Code: RD16/0008/0013Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2021 -
Estudio de factores clínicos, hallazgos de tomografía de coherencia óptica y biomarcadores como factores pronósticos de la agudeza visual en el edema macular secundario a uveítis
Funder: HOSPITAL CLINICO Y PROVINCIAL DE BARCELONA (Sede o evento); Instituto de Salud Carlos III ; FIS (Programa financiador competitivo)Code: PI13/00217Duration: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016 -
Enfermedades Oculares: prevención, detección precoz y tratamiento de las enfermedades degenerativas oculares
Funder: HOSPITAL CLINICO Y PROVINCIAL DE BARCELONA (Sede o evento); Instituto de Salud Carlos III ; RETIC (Programa financiador competitivo)Code: RD12/0034Duration: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015 -
Fisiopatología de la obesidad y nutrición
Funder: Institut Català de Ciències Cardiovasculars (Sede o evento); Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red – CIBERDuration: 01/12/2006 - 01/12/2010