Anna Novials
About me
Clinical endocrinologist. I received my PhD from the University of Barcelona in 1989, focusing on pancreatic function in type 2 diabetes. A postdoctoral stay at the University of Cambridge enriched my scientific and technical knowledge of molecular biology. In 2008 I joined IDIBAPS as a leader of a clinical and basic research team centering the main lines of research on the pathogenia and prevention of diabetes. I have occupied appointments, as President of the Spanish Diabetes Society (2016-2020) and Council Member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (2012 to 2015). Currently I am member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Biomedical Research Network in Diabetes (CIBERDEM). Throughout my career, I have promoted and led initiatives bridging basic and clinical r
Featured publications
Treatment with EV-miRNAs Alleviates Obesity-Associated Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice
Authors:Reference: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2022. -
High Intensity Interval Training reduces hypoglycemic events compared with continuous aerobic training in individuals with type 1 diabetes: HIIT and hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes
Authors:Reference: Diabetes & Metabolism 2022. -
Stress-Induced MicroRNA-708 Impairs β-Cell Function and Growth.
Authors:Reference: Diabetes 2017. -
BACE2 suppression promotes β-cell survival and function in a model of type 2 diabetes induced by human islet amyloid polypeptide overexpression.
Authors:Reference: Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 2017. -
Low Physical Activity and Its Association with Diabetes and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study
Authors:Reference: Plos One 2016. -
Improving Assessment of Lipoprotein Profile in Type 1 Diabetes by 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Authors:Reference: Plos One 2015.
Featured Projects
Els miRNAs exosomals induïtsper l'exercici com a reguladors del metabolisme
Principal investigator: Anna Maria Novials SardaFunder: Fundació Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de BalearsDuration: 24/05/2018 - 23/05/2020 -
BACE2, una nueva diana terapéutica para el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2 y la obesidad.
Principal investigator: Joan Marc Servitja Duque, Anna Maria Novials SardaFunder: Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICode: PI17/00879Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020 -
Patogènia i Prevenció de la Diabetis
Principal investigator: Anna Maria Novials SardaFunder: Generalitat de CatalunyaCode: 2017-SGR-01390Duration: 01/01/2018 - 30/09/2021 -
Molecular links between diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders
Principal investigator: Antonia Ribes RubioFunder: Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICode: PIE14/00061Duration: 01/01/2016 - 01/01/2018 -
Nuevas estrategias para el tratamiento de la diabetes: intervención sobre el estrés de retículo endoplásmico y la inflamación inducidos por los depósitos de amiloide en el islote pancreático.
Principal investigator: Joan Marc Servitja Duque, Anna Maria Novials SardaFunder: Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICode: PI14/00447Duration: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017