About me

Alvar Agustí is Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona and senior consultant at Hospital Clinic, Barcelona. His main research interest relates to clinical and translational research in chronic airway diseases. He has published more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals (H-Index 105). He has a sit at the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands, of Catalunya as well as the Academia Europea. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCP), a Fellow of the European Respiratory Society (FERS), Honorary member of ERS, and current Chair of the Board of Directors of GOLD. He has received the Lilly Award 2018 for excellence in clinical research.

Featured publications

Featured Projects

  • Desarrollo pulmonar anormal vs. envejecimiento acelerado en la EPOC

    Duration: 01/07/2020 - 30/06/2022
  • 3TR, spanish Asthma COPD branch, IMI Funded project

    Duration: 01/11/2019 - 31/12/2027
  • CADSET. Chronic Airway Diseases Early Stratification European Respiratory Society. Gavin Donaldson

    Duration: 01/03/2018 - 31/03/2022
  • Integrative network genomics approach to address molecular differences and commonalities in COPD and IPF

    Duration: 01/06/2017 - 01/06/2018
  • Análisis multinivel en red de las similitudes y diferencias moleclares ent re enfisema y cancer de pulmón en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar onstructiva crónica: papel de la respuesta inmene y de las celulas madre mesenquimales pulmonares.

    Principal investigator: Àlvar Agustí García-Navarro
    Code: PI15/00799
    Duration: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019