In general, visiting hours for hospitalized patients are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., except when doctors and/or nursing staff visit or perform specific care.
There are certain areas of specialized assistance, such as Intensive Care Units, Emergency Departments, Day Hospitals, Resuscitation Units, etc., where the hours may vary to suit the needs of these units. In these units information is provided about the visiting hours.
As a general rule, a maximum of two companions per patient is allowed in the rooms, and the optional criterion always prevails. One person can accompany you throughout the day, as long as there is no medical contraindication or the unit's regulations prevent it.
The healthcare staff indicates when the companion must remain outside the room and is grateful for their instructions being respected so that they may carry out their work.
It is not advisable for children under the age of 12 to stay in the hospitalization areas.