IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic’s research groups publish around 450 scientific articles on cancer each year. They also lead major Spanish and international projects on the subject. In the last year alone, European projects have been launched such as DEFINITIVE, which will test a genomic diagnostic test for breast cancer, LIVERAIM, which aims to identify a large battery of biomarkers to detect liver diseases in the earliest stages, including liver cancer, THRIVE, to improve the prognosis of children and adults with liver cancer, and THERAVLINFO, to make headway in personalised medicine for lymphoma. The institution’s oncological innovations are also worthy of note, such as the four spin-off companies related to cancer.
IDIBAPS has been recognised as a cancer centre of excellence by the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) and it works to involve patients and patient associations in research decision-making.
Here are ten examples of scientific studies that IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic published last year:
Presentation of the first model to predict response to CAR T-cell therapy in multiple myeloma
New strategies to improve the efficacy of CAR T-cell therapy in solid tumours
A new 3D model is developed to simulate the tumour microenvironment of a type of lymphoma
The Dhx15 gene could be a target for diagnosing and treating liver cancer
A study reveals how pro-tumour mutations in the oesophagus spread with ageing
Updated findings on dual HER2 inhibition in HER2+ breast cancer
Researchers identify a link between the immune system and survival after breast cancer