For further information: Sánchez-Tilló E, Fanlo L, Siles L, Montes-Moreno S, Moros A, Chiva-Blanch G, Estruch R, Martinez A, Colomer D, Gyorffy B, Roué G, Postigo A. (2013). The EMT activator ZEB1 promotes tumor growth and determines differential response to chemotherapy in mantle cell lymphoma Cell Death Differ. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2013.123. (Ahead of print) Liu, Y, E Sánchez-Tilló, X Lu, B Clem, S Telang, AB. Jenson, M Cuatrecasas, J Chesney, A Postigo, C Dean (2013) Rb1 family mutation is sufficient for sarcoma initiation. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/ncomms3650
Clínic Barcelona
Clínic Barcelona
November 4 2013
Two papers report new roles of ZEB1 in tumor progression of lymphomas and sarcomas
ZEB proteins have recently acquired great relevance in molecular oncology because of their ability to regulate invasive and metastatic carcinomas through induction of multiple differentiation markers and the inhibition of key genes involved in epithelial cell adhesion. Two new works, with principal authors from the Transcriptional regulation of gene expression Group, a IDIBAPS group led by an ICREA professor associated to the JG Brown Cancer Center (USA), have identified new roles of ZEB1 in tumor progression of mantle cell lymphomas and sarcomas.