PRECISESADS is an ambitious European research program sponsored by the Innovative Medicines Initiative ( IMI) of the European Union, which brings together 23 universities and five pharmaceutical companies from 12 European countries, who work together for 5 years with a budget of 22.7 million from a public-private consortium. The initiative was launched on 1 February with the aim of finding new molecular identifiers that permit reclassification systemic autoimmune diseases based on criteria aetiopathogenic and as a result, discover new molecules with therapeutic potential for these diseases.
The Systemic Autoimmune Diseases research group of IDIBAPS coleads PRECISESADS, an European project to reclassify autoimmune diseases
The Systemic Autoimmune Diseases research group of IDIBAPS lead by Dr. Ricard Cervera coleads the clinical aspect of the European project PRECISESADS, which is planned 5-year study in 2.000 patients with various diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, Sjogren's syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome or mixed connective tissue disease. These diseases currently are diagnosed based on clinical criteria relatively nonspecific often do not allow early diagnosis and, moreover, dealt mainly with anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants also nonspecific . The detection of new biomarkers should facilitate speed diagnosis and help in making therapeutic decisions.