Clínic Barcelona

The Synergy-COPD project starts in Barcelona

Barcelona Digital, technology centre specialized in the ICT research and development and TECNIO member -the ACC1Ó network that promotes the technology transfer and business innovation in Catalonia-, cellebrated last week the first meeting of R&D project Synergy-COPD. The project, made up by prestige partners from different European countries, will enable the creation of a more complet computer model of the COPD behavior (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

The meeting, held at the offices of Barcelona Digital in the Media-TIC building, welcomed experts internationally recognized as the Dr. Josep Roca of the Hospital Clínic, Dr. Dieter Maier of Biomax company, Dr. Jesper Tegnér of the Molecular Medicine Centre of the Karolinska Institute of Sweden, Dr. Luigi Ceccaroni of Barcelona Digital and the Dr. Peter Wagner of the Medicine School of the California University in San Diego.