Clínic Barcelona

The stabilization of new lipid mediators derived from omega-3 fatty acids reduces the liver inflammation caused by obesity

The non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), also known as fatty liver disease, is a disease associated with obesity characterized by an accumulation of fat in liver cells accompanied by an inflammatory process that causes lesions similar to those suffered by people who consume alcohol in toxic amounts. A study led by Dr. Joan Clària, researcher at the IDIBAPS group Pathophysiology and treatment of ascites and altered renal function in liver cirrhosis, and consultant of the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Department at Hospital Clínic, demonstrates, for the first time, that the inhibition of the enzyme responsible for the degradation of lipid mediators derived from omega-3 can modulate inflammation associated with fat accumulation in the liver. In addition, these compounds, called epoxides, make liver cells able to eliminate fat through autophagy. This study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), has been carried out in collaboration with researchers from the University of California (Davis).  The first author of the work is Cristina López-Vicario, predoctoral researcher of the IDIBAPS group.