Clínic Barcelona

The normal lung development in early childhood is crucial in preventing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows that abnormal lung development before 40 years of age predisposes to a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 20 years later. Traditionally it was considered that COPD was a self-inflicted disease by smoking. This study shows that this is true in about half the cases but in the other half, abnormal lung development in the early years of life (and probably during pregnancy) is a very important risk factor. Dr. Àlvar Agustí, head of the Institute Clínic of Thorax at Hospital Clínic and of the IDIBAPS team  Inflammation and repair in respiratory illnesses, member of the Networked Biomedical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES) and founding president of the Barcelona Respiratory Network (BRN), is one of three co-directors of the study.