Teresa Lloret and Nunzio Cifariello, from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) office, have attended the meeting with the aim of identifying potential partners, at a national and international level, to collaborate to bring to market technologies and innovation projects managed by the KTT. In total they have held 20 one-to-one meetings with companies, and some of them have already been interested in any of the IDIBAPS’ projects. This event is also a very good opportunity to maintain contact with the Spanish biotech environment, mainly, but also at an international level.
Clínic Barcelona
Clínic Barcelona
October 10 2016
The Knowledge and Technology Transfer office of IDIBAPS at the Biospain meeting
From 28 to 30 September was held in Bilbao the 8th edition of BioSpain, a meeting that involves pharma and biotech companies and organizations. BioSpain provides a space for identifying potential partners and lectures, presentations of companies, investment forums are made, and provides a forum for training and work. In this edition 615 companies have participated, 30% of which are international. The Catalan delegation has had the participation of 90companies and public institutions.