Dr. Josep Dalmau is an international leader in the study of neurology and psychiatry. In the last 7 years he has identified a total of eight autoimmune brain diseases. His group research is focused on a type of diseases related to autoimmunity, cancer and synaptic proteins. They have described novel syndromes and associated immune-mechanisms, isolated the target antigens, and developed diagnostic tests some of which are currently used around the world.
His group has discovered a new category of autoimmune diseases responsible for changes in memory, behavior, cognition and that can cause psychosis. The results of their studies have had a major impact in the field of neuroscience and multiple medical disciplines because they offer a connection between immunological processes and neural functions related to memory, behavior, psychosis, epilepsy and neuronal degeneration.
New CIBER incorporations
The Networked Biomedical Research Center (CIBER) has incorporated a total of 11 new research groups of excellence in fields such as nanotechnology, diabetes, respiratory disease, epidemiology, obesity, psychiatric disorders and rare diseases.
The Carlos III (ISCIII) Institute recently published the final resolution by which these groups will become part of the different CIBER thematic areas after being selected in an ISCIII call framed in the Strategic Action in Health in which participated 132 research groups.
"These 11 groups were selected from the 132 submitted for the excellence in their research and their suitability for networking and to strengthen the scientific leadership of our different thematic areas," explains Manuel Sanchez, CIBER Manager.