Removing the fallopian tubes to prevent ovarian cancer
Removing the fallopian tubes from women undergoing other gynaecological surgery could reduce mortality from ovarian cancer by up to 14%.
Removing the fallopian tubes from women undergoing other gynaecological surgery could reduce mortality from ovarian cancer by up to 14%.
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona took part in the second edition of Endofest, a charity music festival that aims to increase awareness of endometriosis1
On 10 March this year at the Maternitat Centre of the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the first woman to receive a uterus transplant in Spain gave birth.1
Vulvovaginal atrophy or genitourinary syndrome of menopause is common and involves thinning, dryness and inflammation of the vagina.
Hospital Clínic Barcelona will participate in the second edition of Endofest, a charity music festival that seeks to raise awareness about endometr1
Prioritising the type of physical exercise according to your hormonal cycle could be beneficial, both for elite athletes and for women who perform mo1
Sexual health is an important part of anyone's life and has an impact on their overall health. Often, when a person is suffering from a disease, it a1
Most women will have a gynaecologic ultrasound scan at least once in their lives. Even so, there are still many myths and false beliefs surrounding t1
It is a document prepared by different Catalan public hospitals and coordinated by the Hospital Clínic and aims to help professionals faced with thes1
A recent study indicated that women who use hair straightening products have a higher risk of uterine cancer. However, the findings are still prelimi1