Male infertility is a growing problem that affects a significant proportion of couples worldwide. Around 15% of couples of reproductive age will not be able to have children naturally, and will have to resort to assisted reproduction techniques. Male infertility occurs in up to 50% of these couples, so the role of the male is crucial.
The most frequent cause of male infertility is anatomical alterations in the scrotum. The most frequent of these is varicocele, which acts by increasing the temperature in the testicular area, among other mechanisms.
A varicocele is present in 30-35% of men with fertility problems. Diagnosing it is very important as it can be a reversed. Microsurgical repair of a varicocele can improve the damage caused to semen quality.
Habits that impact male fertility
Although there are many known causes of male infertility, lifestyle plays a crucial role in men's reproductive health. The main factors that can be controlled are diet and physical activity.
Eating habits have a direct impact on semen quality. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is essential for both general health and male fertility.
Eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can reduce the levels of free radicals in seminal fluid and decrease oxidative stress in the body. These have a direct effect on spermatogenesis and sperm quality.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthy fats), found in foods such as oily fish, avocados, nuts and olive oil, are essential for hormone production. While a diet with too much refined sugar and processed carbohydrates can negatively affect insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance, impacting testosterone production. This hormone is essential for producing new sperm.
Physical activity
Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and taking moderate physical exercise on a regular basis can also improve semen quality and testosterone levels.
Stress management
It is also important to avoid high stress levels maintained over time. Stress can alter sperm production and the balance of male hormones.
Additionally, high stress levels are frequently associated with drinking alcohol and smoking, which also have a direct impact on semen quality.
Avoiding harmful substances
Two of the most damaging lifestyle factors for sperm quality are drinking excessive alcohol and smoking. Both can damage sperm DNA (genetic content) during sperm production and also cause hormonal alterations. This is why couples who want to have children should stop smoking and reduce their alcohol intake.
Endocrine disruptors
Environmental exposure to substances such as pesticides and industrial chemicals can block hormone receptors in cells, preventing them from implementing their normal function.
These endocrine disruptors are present in many substances we are exposed to in our daily lives, such as air fresheners, household appliances, product packaging, especially plastic, insecticides, pesticides, construction or industrial materials, paints, dyes, beauty or personal hygiene products and even cleaning products. They can damage sperm DNA, thus altering its quality.
Therefore, to protect and improve male reproductive health, avoiding or minimising exposure to these contaminants, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet or stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, are all important for the aforementioned reasons.
Dr Manuel Corral, urologist, Clínic’s Institute of Nephrology and Urology, Clínic Barcelona.