The current objectives of the team are to consolidate its six main lines research and to further enhancing prospective multicenter projects without leaving clinical research practice in order to improve patient care. Dr. Brugada is an international leader in the treatment of arrhythmias: in 1992, along with his two brothers, Pere and Ramon, described a cause of sudden death syndrome, the Brugada syndrome. Between 2008 and 2014 he was medical director of the Hospital Clínic.
Clínic Barcelona
Clínic Barcelona
September 19 2016
Josep Brugada, doctor honoris causa by Tucumán University
Dr. Josep Brugada has been awarded the title of doctor honoris causa by the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina) in recognition of his medical and research career. Dr. Brugada is cardiologist at the Hospital Clínic and head of the research team of the IDIBAPS "Arrhythmias, Resynchronization and cardiac imaging ".