Clínic Barcelona

Interview with Dr. Albert Barberà, the New IDIBAPS Research Coordinator

The last meeting of the IDIBAPS governing body, with the support of the DIUiE research director’s department, opened up the post of IDIBAPS Scientific Manager, a figure that already exists in other international institutes. The aim of the position will be to develop the task of manager of scientific policy and, therefore, provides direct support for the director. After a public tender, applications for the post were received from four qualified candidates and the selection committee, presided by Dr. Joan Rodés, decided to appoint Dr. Albert Barberà, who had been working as the manager of CIBERDEM.

Dr. Albert Barberà is a pharmacist and chemist and holds a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Barcelona, with extraordinary mention. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Rockefeller Institute in New York and trained in economic and research management at Pompeu Fabra University. He has experience in project management gained at the headquarters of the EU in Brussels.

In this interview, he tells us what his job will consist of.