Dr. Sònia Anglès Acedo: “Having positive sexual health results in a better quality of life”
Sexual health is an important part of anyone's life and has an impact on their overall health. Often, when a person is suffering from a disease, it a1
Sexual health is an important part of anyone's life and has an impact on their overall health. Often, when a person is suffering from a disease, it a1
Most women will have a gynaecologic ultrasound scan at least once in their lives. Even so, there are still many myths and false beliefs surrounding t1
It is a document prepared by different Catalan public hospitals and coordinated by the Hospital Clínic and aims to help professionals faced with thes1
A study led by the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS shows that having a low birth weight limits the body's capacity to adapt when there is another cardiovascu1
The Hospital Clínic – BCNatal aims to offer childbirth that is minimally medicalized, respected and as physiological as possible. In 2021, a total of1
A recent study indicated that women who use hair straightening products have a higher risk of uterine cancer. However, the findings are still prelimi1
Healthy eating and physical exercise are recommended to improve the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Baby Blues can appear after childbirth. These are transitory feelings of sadness, nervousness, insecurity or worry. If these symptoms persist or wors1
This Wednesday, the first episode of the second season of the ‘Information that cares for you/Information that cares’ podcast series will go live. Th1
Eighteen months after the first one, the Hospital Clínic carried out its second uterus transplant on 4 April. On this occasion, it was possible thank1