Clínic Barcelona

What are the warning signs if you have constipation?

Constipation may occur occasionally, but can sometimes be chronic. It may be due to several causes, such as slow intestinal movement. However, it may1

Clínic Barcelona

Can probiotics restore microbiota?

Probiotics are microorganisms which are beneficial for health. They help balance intestinal microbiota, which is of great importance in strengthening1

Clínic Barcelona

How do I know if I have Helicobacter pylori?

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers and, if left untreated, can lead to stomach cancer.

Clínic Barcelona

Lipoedema, a little known and underdiagnosed disease

Lipoedema is an abnormal accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue - that is, localised accumulation of fat - in specific areas of the body. It is1