Every 3 seconds a new case of Alzheimer's is diagnosed in the world
There is no cure for Alzheimer's as yet, but patients' quality of life can be improved through cognitive intervention such as memory journalling.
There is no cure for Alzheimer's as yet, but patients' quality of life can be improved through cognitive intervention such as memory journalling.
Physical activity improves cognitive function, memory, efficiency and attention and also prevents cognitive decline. It increases serotonin levels1
Most people will experience back pain at least once in their life. Knowing about this ailment can help you keep your back in good health and prevent1
Eliminating childhood adversities such as bullying would avoid one in three cases of schizophrenia, and promoting physical exercise would avoid one i1
Studies have shown that this drug improves sleep and daytime performance in people with insomnia, without causing a sedative effect the next day, as1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS are leading a study to obtain information on 10,000 healthy people who do not have Parkinson's disease,1
A study with the participation of millions of people has concluded that antidepressants do not improve the long-term quality of life of patients. Dr1
According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, alcohol and tobacco are still the most common drugs taken legally in Spain, followed by the1
Interview with Dr. Mª Josep Martí, neurologist and head of the IDIBAPS Parkinson’s Disease and other Neurodegenerative Movement Disorders research gr1
On 24 February, the Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an attack on the Donbas region of Ukraine. It was the start of a war with incalculable c1