Clínic Barcelona

IDIBAPS participates in the Graphene Flagship

In the context of the Graphene Week 2014, the European Commission announced that the Graphene Flagship, one of the largest European research initiatives, is doubling its size and now includes more than 140 organizations from 23 countries. IDIBAPS is one of new 66 partners of the consortium through the team of Maria Victoria Sánchez-Vives, MD, PhD, ICREA Research Professor and team leader of the IDIBAPS group Systems Neuroscience. Professor Sanchez-Vives joins the Neurographene project, coordinated by Rosa Villa, PhD, from the CIBER-BBN Biomonitoring Group at the Barcelona Microelectronics Institute (IMB-CNM), and whose aim is to validate graphene as a brain interface material and to develop devices for both recording neural activity and for brain stimulation. The other partner in this project is the Austrian company Guger Technologies.