Clínic Barcelona

IDIBAPS – Hospital Clínic investigators lead an international consensus about the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder

The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) recently presented an international consensus on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder. The article, published by The American Journal of Psychiatry, the most read general psychiatry journal and with a higher impact factor, has Dr. Isabella Pacchiarotti as its first author and Dr. Eduard Vieta as the last one, both from the IDIBAPS - Hospital Clínic Bipolar Disorders group. Shortly after its publication, the article was selected by the American Psychiatric Association among the 3 most important works of the year. Dr. Eduard Vieta will present it at the annual meeting of this Association, a conference with over 20,000 participants to be held in May 2014 in New York.