Clínic Barcelona

Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS leads a European project to fight against cirrhosis within the Horizon 2020 program

Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS is leading a European project to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with the combination of rifaximin, an antibiotic that modulates the intestinal microbiome, and statins in patients with advanced cirrhosis. The project, called LIVERHOPE, will also focuse on the search for biomarkers of the disease. LIVERHOPE is coordinated by Dr. Pere Ginès, head of the Hepatology Department of the Hospital Clínic and of the team of Mechanisms of liver diseases and complications of cirrhosis of IDIBAPS, and a total of 16 institutions are participating among clinical centers, universities and European companies. This project is part of the Horizon 2020 European research and innovation framework program and it is endowed with a budget of 6 million euros.