Dr. Margarita Giménez receives SED’s Carrasco y Formiguera Junior Clinical Researcher Award
Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) is a multidisciplinary scientific organization which promotes advances in prevention and treatment of diabetes. Every two years it announces, through its SED Foundation chaired by Dr. Bernat Soria, the Carrasco y Formiguera Junior Clinical Researcher Award, to recognize the work of a clinical researcher under 40 years. This prize was awarded to Dr. Margarita Gimenez Alvarez, from the Endocrinology Service at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and collaborator of the IDIBAPS team Diabetes: metabolic and molecular networks, directed by Dr. Josep Vidal. In this interview (in Spanish) for the journal Diabetes, Dr. Giménez explains her passion for research and her patients and talks about the possible future of the disease.
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