The Seminar was organized in two main parts. In the first one, Dr. Batlle exposed some experiments undergone with primary colon tumor organoids, live structures grown in vitro that retain important physiologic features of colorectal tumors. Primary culture of tumor organoids potentially provide a relevant and feasible means to study the mechanisms of colorectal cancer progression and potential therapeutic modalities for this disease.
Finally, Dr. Eduard Batlle talked about the concept of cancer stem cells and its role in generating and populating cancer tissue and discussed about the current scientific debate about stemness properties and the real value of cancer stem cells. He raised lots of interesting questions and the audience had the chance to interact with one of the international experts in this field.
Reference: Calon A, Espinet E, Palomo-Ponce S, Tauriello DV, Iglesias M, Céspedes MV, Sevillano M, Nadal C, Jung P, Zhang XH, Byrom D, Riera A, Rossell D, Mangues R, Massagué J, Sancho E, Batlle E. Dependency of colorectal cancer on a TGF-ß-driven program in stromal cells for metastasis initiation. Cancer Cell. 2012 Nov 13;22(5):571-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2012.08.013.