Clínic Barcelona

Bariatric surgery improves metabolic and inflammatory profile of those morbid obesity patients undergoing surgery

Annals of Surgery publishes a work which shows type 2 diabetes remission rates over 60% in morbid obesity patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Initially this percentage reaches 75% but the disease reappears when weight control and healthy lifestyle are not maintained at the long-term. Metabolic control is improved even when there is not a complete diabetes remission. With Amanda Jimenez as the first author, the work was led by Dr. Josep Vidal, head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at Hospital Clínic and leader of the IDIBAPS team Diabetes: metabolic and molecular networks, and Dr. Antonio M. Lacy, Head of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Service at the Hospital Clínic and member of the IDIBAPS team Gastrointestinal and pancreatic Oncology.