The project "Scientific Sketching IDIBAPS" was devised with the aim of publicizing the research carried out at the institute to the society, in an unusual way, through the urban natural drawing. To make this possible, last May and September two workshops in scientific sketching were conducted. In the first one, which took place on May 28th, 5 professional and prestigious illustrators participated: Sagar Fornies, Lapin, Swasky, Cristina Curto and Santi Sallés. Before starting to draw a group of researchers from different biomedical fields explained them the research carried out daily in the IDIBAPS. Then, on September 20th, 100 people talented people for drawing and curiosity for science met in the second workshop, an original open day. They were accompanied by researchers and the sketchers who had participated in the previous workshop, and were able to discover what is done and how the research is carried out in a laboratory, to then be capable of drawing what most attracted their attention.
The "Scientific Sketching IDIBAPS" is an initiative promoted by the IDIBAPS, in co-operation with the Drawing on Location School, Centre Cívic Urgell and Casa Piera, and has the support of FECYT. With the aim of reaching to the greatest number of people possible this book has been published under a Creative Commons license. Help us to spread it!
More information about the project at the IDIBAPS Channel in YouTube and in the article: "Art and science meet at the first workshop on scientific sketching at IDIBAPS".
Image: Guillem Trius; Illustration: Lapin