Last Thursday, November 16, the Science and Technology Centres of the University of Barcelona (CCiTUB) and IDIBAPS organised an open day at their scientific platforms. The event began with a presentation of the two institutions’ highly specialised facilities and the services they offer, followed, from 5 to 7 pm, by guided tours of the centres.

The activity, aimed at researchers from both the Clínic campus environment (UB, IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IIBB-CSIC, ISGlobal and so on) and other institutions, was attended by some 70 people. According to Juan Fran Sangüesa, CCiTUB director, “scientific platforms are a way of making highly experienced professionals available to the scientific and biomedical community”. Aina Rodríguez, head of IDIBAPS Platforms, noted that “efforts are always made to avoid duplicating infrastructures or services within the Campus" and that initiatives like this open day are necessary “in order to show researchers the services our institutions can offer them".
Researchers visited the following platforms: