Clínic Barcelona

A proteomic study shows the critical role of Akt1 on promoting angiogenesis

A group of researchers from IDIBAPS headed by Dr. Manuel Morales-Ruiz, from the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics department at Hospital Clínic and member of the IDIBAPS team Pathophysiology and treatment of ascites and altered renal function in liver cirrosis, have found the mechanism by which Akt1, an enzyme involved in the growth, survival and vascular tone of endothelial cells, promotes angiogenesis. The study has been carried out in collaboration with Yale University and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal. In this paper has also participated Dr. Juan Rodriguez Vita, a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Morales’ group hired through the BIOTRACK Programme, an IDIBAPS project to incorporate postdoctoral researchers funded by the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions (COFUND category).