Clínic Barcelona

A consortium of European hospitals led by Clínic IDIBAPS is launching a cellular immunotherapy project to tackle COVID-19 with the support of Cellnex Telecom

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona-IDIBAPS and Cellnex have today signed an agreement to launch a multicentre research project that will allow better understanding of how the immune system functions in response to SARS-CoV-2, and new treatments to be put forward based on the body’s cellular response to COVID-19. The project, which has an investment of 5 million euros, aims to detect and obtain T cells that fight the SARS-CoV-2 infection.

From left to right: Mariona Pascal, Elias Campo, Josep M. Campistol, Tobías Martínez and Manel Juan (Picture: Francisco Avia - Hospital Clínic)

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