Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Professional aspects, attracting talent, work conditions, and supervision of research personnel are essential aspects at IDIBAPS. Thus, with the aim of ensuring a more stimulating and favorable working environment, and with the European Charter and Code for Researchers for recruiting researchers, the institution is working on a process of continuous improvement known as the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
On 25 April 2015, IDIBAPS obtained the “HR Excellence in Research” accreditation from the European Commission. Since then, many improvement actions have been undertaken with the aim of benefiting the entire research community.
Documents relating to HRS4R
Gap analysis 2014-2021
PDF - 280 KB
OTM-R Policy 2019
PDF - 232 KB
Action plan 2018-2020 (updated)
PDF - 233 KB
Action plan 2015-2017 (initial)
PDF - 67 KB
Gap analysis 2014
PDF - 2,03 MB
Increase in Toolbox Talks
Throughout 2023, we have increased the number of Toolbox sessions. Five talks have been conducted, with four of them being related to Open Science. You can find the program here.
New Career Sessions
Since their implementation last year, Career Sessions have continued to be held within the Stepping Stone training program, promoting career development and fostering interaction among researchers. In 2023, four sessions have taken place, including the PhD Day.
In celebration of STEM Day LGTBIQA+, IDIBAPS conducted an interview with Simón Perera and Sergi Castellví to discuss the importance of visibility for this community within research. While gender equality is the first step toward achieving a diverse and inclusive scientific community, there is a need to broaden perspectives to encompass other realities.
Diversity in Biomedical Research
In July 2023, took place the Clinic Barcelona Summer School, featuring a workshop on The Value of Diversity in Biomedical Research. Within these training sessions, the workshop aimed to explore the value, both for researchers and society, of addressing diverse research topics, methodologies, and approaches focused on diversity on biomedicine.
The second edition of the PhD Day is celebrated
The second edition of the PhD Day took place on June 12, where more than 100 people attended. Topics such as mental Health, scientific dissemination and sustainability in research were discussed. There was also a poster session and oral presentations.
First institutional Open Science Policy
Last April, was approved the first Open Science policy of the FRCB-IDIBAPS with the objective of aligning the institution’s internal regulations with the International requirements and practices. To promote and facilitate implementation, several manuals and guides have been prepared.
New Gender Equality Plan
In 2022, the new Gender Equality Plan was published, developed by the Gender Equality Commission of FRCB-IDIBAPS in accordance with the diagnosis established in 2021. To initiate the implementation of the plan, two events were held to raise awareness and promote female talent: an interview with three scientists discussing why the “glass ceiling” still exists, and a roundtable discussion with PRBB on the effects of motherhood on a scientific career.
Improvement of the Toolbox sessions
During 2022, Toolbox sessions were improved by incorporating a new dynamic in the talks, adding the option of being able to meet with the speaker individually once the session has ended. Promoting a more participatory environment.
Implementation of the Career Sessions
Since the implementation of the Career Sessions, four were held in 2022, aimed at the entire research community with the idea of promoting interactions between researchers (R1-R4). These workshops promote research development of the research career by providing “non-scientific” tools. These workshops encourage the interaction between participants and expand the network between them.
“HR Excellence in research” recognition is renewed at IDIBAPS
In May 2022, the HRS4R online site-visit was conducted by three international experts. Close to 40 research and management staff members took part in it. As a result, the HRS4R acknowledgement was renewed for three years, until 2025.
New professional groups and profiles are approved for both IDIBAPS and FCRB staff
All IDIBAPS and FCRB employees were classified according to those new professional profiles that group them according to their tasks and responsibilities.
Publishing in open access is the main topic of one session organised for the research community
One session to promote open science was organised in the framework of “Toolbox, IDIBAS talks series” and the institutional policy on open science to publications was presented in it.
The first training on how to conduct open, transparent and merit-based recruitments for potential interviewers is available
12 IDIBAPS and FCRB staff participated in this 2021 training activity to improve the recruitment practices at the Institute.
Toolbox, IDIBAPS talks series are inaugurated for everyone focused on topics of general interest
The new cycle of IDIBAPS talks series started in 2021 including three talks.
A new Gender Equality Commission is appointed
In 2021 this new Commission firstly met to gather data for the diagnosis performance and follow the required steps to design a new Gender Equality Plan.
The renewal phase of “HR Excellence in research logo” has started and IDIBAPS is fully dedicated to it
In 2020 a communication campaign was launched to engage all the research community and invite them to answer the survey: it had 255 answers.
Stepping-stone training program is of high quality and benefits researchers’ careers, but it can still improve
The third first editions of the program were reviewed through an impact assessment including a participatory process with researchers.
The communication campaign “Female talent: women scientists speak” is launched.
The institute promoted gender equality throughout 2019-2020 by means of 9 short videos broadcast on social media, in which the stars are some of its researchers.
Some institutional policies are updated and new ones created.
In 2019, a new version of the research career strategy was approved, together with the new regulations for creating spin-off companies, and the code of good scientific practices was updated and expanded.
Help provided to the “PhD community” in the organization of the first PhD Day.
In 2019, support was provided to the association that groups together the IDIBAPS predoctoral researchers to help them carry out this activity to promote interaction between them.
The institute’s strategic plan (2018-2022) includes HRS4R.
HRS4R forms part of the institute’s strategy formally following approval of the strategic plan.
The interim assessment is a mandatory step to pursue the implementation phase of the HRS4R process
At the end of 2017 the revised action plan was submitted together with the rest of the documentation required for this step of the HRS4R.
Design of the “Welcome pack” to welcome new employees.
Since 2017, the welcome guide provides key information to people starting work at our institution.
Promotion of Open, Transparent, Merit-Based Recruitment (OTM-R).
Different actions (2016 and 2017) and the subsequent approval of the OTM-R policy of the institute (2019) include improvements for carrying out OTM-R.
Stepping-stone program for training in transversal aspects implemented.
Since 2016, this training program provides predoctoral (R1) and postdoctoral (R2) researchers with new knowledge and tools.
New appointments improve the makeup of the institute’s decision-making bodies.
The steering committee and the director’s advisory committee have become more inclusive and gender-equal since 2016.
The research community gives its support to the implementation of HRS4R.
Two new committees are created: the Training Committee (2016) and the Ombuds Committee for research (2017).