Translational research programme for brain disorders
Brain disorders, including both psychiatric disorders (such as bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia) and neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) are highly prevalent and have a powerful impact on the quality of life of patients, families and health systems.
Despite their profoundly negative effects, in recent years very little progress has been made in understanding these diseases and in the development of new therapies given the great challenge posed by the study of the human brain.
This programme was created to build on our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispose people to brain disorders through molecular analyses and new non-invasive tools. Its ultimate goal is to improve early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment results.
- Create a common registry that integrates all the data generated by the programme: clinical and neuropsychological data, neuroimaging and molecular analyses and the documentation of biological samples.
- Promote the study of brain disorders through the creation of new animal models, the development of a new non-invasive technology and the integration of data obtained from different neuroimaging systems.
- Develop an artificial intelligence platform that can combine all the data generated by the programme and make predictions to improve diagnosis, prognosis and response to treatment.
- Develop and test new treatments using the most advanced cellular and animal models.
Bipolar and depressive disorders
Eduard Vieta -
Systems neuropharmacology
Analía Bortolozzi -
Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders
Raquel Sanchez-Valle -
Imaging of mood- and anxiety-related disorders (IMARD)
Joaquim Raduà -
Eduard Parellada -
Inherited Metabolic Diseases and Muscular Disorders
Glòria Garrabou -
Systems neuroscience
Maria V. Sanchez-Vives -
Carme Junqué