Would you like to participate in a study on the benefits of physical exercise for health?
The Clínic-IDIBAPS Pathogenesis and Prevention of Diabetes research group is seeking volunteers to evaluate the effect of an interval exercise progra1
The Clínic-IDIBAPS Pathogenesis and Prevention of Diabetes research group is seeking volunteers to evaluate the effect of an interval exercise progra1
This IDIBAPS programme allows for the recruitment of clinician-scientists seeking to boost their research career.
Dr. Javier Zarranz-Ventura, ophthalmologist at the Clínic and researcher in the IDIBAPS Ocular Inflammation: Clinical and Experimental Studies group,1
On 7 September, he was awarded the “ERS Lifetime Achievement Award in Respiratory Infections” at the ERS Congress 2024.
The study aims to better understand the biological processes that are altered differently in men and women in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease1
One of the highlights of the Clínic-IDIBAPS participation in the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2024 Congress was Dr. Josep M. Llovet’s1
The Biobank makes more than 863,000 samples from over 56,000 different donors available to internal and external researchers.
Her 5-year ImmuBRAIN project is funded with 1.5 million euros and aims to gain a greater understanding of the immunological mechanisms of autoimmune1
Researchers from the Clínic-IDIBAPS have coordinated a study that allows for the early diagnosis of FASDs, improving the quality of life of those aff1