Are antidepressants overprescribed?
Off-label prescription of antidepressants has increased notably in Catalonia in the last 10 years, according to a study published in the Journal of P1
Off-label prescription of antidepressants has increased notably in Catalonia in the last 10 years, according to a study published in the Journal of P1
Public voting for the Sixth Scientific Photography Competition ended on Sunday, March 26.
The method, published in the journal Communications Biology, enables direct transformation of skin fibroblasts into insulin-producing cells with a ca1
On Monday, March 13, the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) announced the 2022 AECC Cancer Research Grants.
On the retirement of Antònia Ribes, leader of the Hereditary metabolic diseases group, Glòria Garrabou, leader of the Muscle research and mitochondri1
The images are displayed in a Google album. The 15 photos with more "likes" will move on to the final phase.
Prioritising the type of physical exercise according to your hormonal cycle could be beneficial, both for elite athletes and for women who perform mo1
The papers, to which Joaquim Raduà and Miquel A. Fullana contributed, were awarded first and third places on the list.
There has been an outbreak of a virus similar to Ebola, the Marburg virus, in Equatorial Guinea. There are no cases outside Africa, but governments a1
On Friday, February 17, a preview was screened of the film, directed by Javier García Gómez, which tells the true story of Marta Huertas, a patient w1