The Dhx15 gene could be a target for diagnosing and treating liver cancer
A study by the Clínic-IDIBAPS shows that silencing this gene reduces the growth of liver cancer in mice. The research, using different animal models,1
A study by the Clínic-IDIBAPS shows that silencing this gene reduces the growth of liver cancer in mice. The research, using different animal models,1
The FRCB-IDIBAPS is offering up to 5 PhD fellowships in biomedicine for talented young scientists from any nationality.
Led by researchers from IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the study shows that the expression of RNF41 in macrophages could be key to solving chroni1
The study, led by researchers from Clínic-IDIBAPS and CIBER, reveals new functions of TCF20, beyond its role in neurologic processes and its implicat1
Over the next three years, the Xartec, Tecsam and i4kids networks will promote innovation in the fields of health technologies, mental health and pae1
IDIBAPS looks for talented professionals to meet the needs that appear periodically.