Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Reading time: 1 min
Patient with joint pain undergoing radiography

Pain. This is the main symptom of osteoarthritis, called mechanical, as it improves, or even disappears, at rest and gets worse with physical exercise or movements.

Knee joint deformity

Deformity. In advanced cases there can be deformity and changes in the alignment of the joints.

Atrophy of the muscles adjacent to the knee

Inflammation and accumulation of synovial fluid. Approximately one-third of patients have episodes of swelling and accumulation of synovial fluid within the joint, which is called a joint effusion. This is particularly common in the knee. The joint fluid of osteoarthritis contains few cells and is transparent and viscous.

Atrophy of the muscles adjacent to the knee

Atrophy of the contiguous muscles. In advanced cases there is atrophy of the contiguous muscles that contribute to the stability of the joint. In these phases there may be different degrees of joint deformity with a limitation in mobility and the gradual loss of joint function.

Substantiated information by:

Ana Isabel Monegal Brancos
Anna Martín Cortés
Felipe Julio Ramirez Garcia
Jenaro A. Fernández-Valencia Laborde
Nuria Sapena Fortea
Rosa Marina Fernandez

Published: 20 February 2018
Updated: 12 December 2023

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