Frequently asked questions

Reading time: 2 min
Can I still get infected/sick even if I’ve been vaccinated? New

Yes, vaccines are not 100% effective and a vaccinated person can still become infected. This possibility is higher when the circulation of the virus or bacteria is very high or the vaccinated person is immunosuppressed.

Can the flu vaccine give me flu? New

The influenza vaccine is an inactivated vaccine. Because the virus is dead, it has lost its ability to replicate and infect cells. An inactivated vaccine can never cause disease. However, it can be associated with adverse reactions that may sometimes be mistaken for the disease itself.

Why continue to vaccinate if there are virtually no cases of many diseases? New

If there are few to no cases of the infections we vaccinate against, it is precisely because the majority of the population is vaccinated and it is very difficult for the infection to spread on the rare occasion that a case occurs. If we stop vaccinating and therefore vaccination coverage decreases, the organism will be able to spread easily, leading to outbreaks.

Is vaccination mandatory? New

There are no mandatory vaccinations, however all are recommended. Each person is free to decide whether they want themselves or their children to receive the recommended vaccines. It is important to base decisions on sound scientific information.

Can giving several vaccines at the same time overload the immune system? New

We are exposed to thousands of micro-organisms in our environment every day, and our immune system is able to respond successfully. Vaccines represent only a small part of all the antigens we are exposed to on a daily basis, so the immune system is not overwhelmed by them.

Why does the childhood vaccination schedule start so early (at 2 months)? New

Babies’ immune systems are not fully developed when they are born, and this puts them at greater risk of infection. Early vaccination aims to protect them before they come into contact with life-threatening micro-organisms.

Can pregnant women get vaccinated? New

Yes, as long as the vaccine is recommended. Only some vaccines are contraindicated (live attenuated vaccines), but others are especially indicated for pregnant women (influenza, pertussis, COVID) as they protect both mother and baby.

Substantiated information by:

Anna Vilella
Antoni Trilla
Marta Aldea

Published: 13 January 2022
Updated: 13 January 2022


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