Wednesday, June 29 2022. From 14:30h to 17:00h
IDIBAPS Liver Seminars 5th Anniversary
Esteve Auditorium, Center Esther Koplowitz. C/ Rosselló 149-153, 08036 Barcelona
The IDIBAPS Liver Seminars are 5 years old. To celebrate it, on Wednesday, June 29th at 14:30h, a commemorative event will take place in the Esteve Auditorium of the Esther Koplowitz Center, with the participation of Ismael Buño (IiSGM), Elías Campo and Michela Bertero (IDIBAPS), Magdalena Ruedo and Sandra Blanco (Gilead Spain), José Luís Calleja (AEEH) Jordi Bruix (Hospital Clínic, CIBEREHD), Rafael Bañares (IiSGM, CIBEREHD) and Jordi Gracia-Sancho (IDIBAPS. CIBEREHD).
The day, which can also be followed online, will conclude with the seminar:
Hepatitis delta, from pathogenesis to novel treatment options, by Heiner Wedemeyer and presented by Sabela Lens.

Documents of interest
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