Rut Andrea
Research group
- Cardiomyopathies, heart failure and secondary pulmonary hypertension Accredited researcher (R3A)
Featured publications
Severe acute kidney injury in critically ill COVID-19 patients
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Nephrology 2021. -
Impact of the intensity of intermittent renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Nephrology 2021. -
New challenges in acute heart failure. Beyond hospital care
Authors:Reference: Rev Clin Esp 2021. -
Sex-based differences in chronic total occlusion management and long-term clinical outcomes
Authors:Reference: International Journal Of Cardiology 2020. -
Role of coronary angiography in patients with a non-diagnostic electrocardiogram following out of hospital cardiac arrest: Rationale and design of the multicentre randomized controlled COUPE trial.
Authors:Reference: European Heart Journal-Acute Cardiovascular Care 2020. -
Risk-adjusted early invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome in Intensive Cardiac Care Units.
Authors:Reference: Medicina Intensiva 2020. -
SARS-CoV-2-induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Pulmonary Mechanics and Gas Exchange Abnormalities
Authors:Reference: Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2020. -
Comorbidity and low use of new antiplatelets in acute coronary syndrome
Authors:Reference: Aging Clinical And Experimental Research 2020. -
Characterization of Electrocardiographic Findings in Young Students
Authors:Reference: Rev Esp Cardiol 2020. -
Outcomes of Nonagenarians With ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Authors:Reference: American Journal Of Cardiology 2020.
Featured Projects
HORIZONS 2020. Clinical Trial: EURO SHOCK trial. European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 754946.
Principal investigator: Manel Sabate TenasDuration: 01/01/2019 -
HORIZONS 2020. Protocol number 633765. EudraCT Number 2015-002868-17.Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in the elderly population (SECURE)
Principal investigator: RUT ANDREADuration: 01/01/2017 - 31/10/2021 -
COUPE: Estudio aleatorizado sobre la eficacia de la coronariografía urgente en los pacientes con ECG no diagnóstico tras una parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria recuperada. Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid
Duration: 01/01/2017 -
Clinical trial: Global multicenter, open-label, randomized, event-driven, active-controlled study comparing a rivAroxaban-based antithrombotic strategy to an antipLatelet-based strategy after transcatheter aortIc vaLve rEplacement (TAVR) to Optimize clinical outcomes. (GALILEO).
Duration: 01/01/2016 -
FIS PI15/00553: Acute myocardial infarction in young patients. Analysis of prothrombotic, inflammatory and epigenic factors. Effect of miRNA expression modulation in a porcine model.
Principal investigator: RUT ANDREADuration: 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2018