The Better Policies for Better Lives program of the OECD, which recognized Surgifit™ as good practice, promotes the evaluation and dissemination of proven good practice interventions aimed at preventing and managing non-infectious diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or cancer since these represent a large proportion of public health expenditure.
The report published by the OECD recognizes the growing evidence that supports the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the personalized conditioning digital platform, its high potential for transferability to become a routine component of perioperative care, and its potential for generalization in other healthcare areas beyond surgery.
The perioperative evaluation and optimization device, led by Dra. Graciela Martínez-Pallí of the Anesthesiology Service of the Hospital Clínic and researcher of the research group on Physiopathological mechanisms of respiratory diseases of the IDIBAPS has the participation of a multidisciplinary team that works in a coordinated manner to improve the functional status of patients with the objective to improve perioperative results.