The aim of the projects is to increase the average survival rate of people with cancer to 70% by 2030, and to apply research findings to individual patients. In total, the Spanish Association Against Cancer is providing 29.4 million euros in 233 grants throughout Spain, 44 of which will be awarded in Barcelona.
Dr. Maria Reig and Dr. Julio Delgado, Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS researchers and Grant beneficiaries, took part in two roundtable discussions with other researchers and patients to talk about how to guarantee that research findings reach patients and about the importance of research in improving cancer survival rates.
Improving patient prognosis and treatment
The five projects coordinated by the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS are the following:
- Dr. Julio Delgado, head of the Hospital Clínic Cancer Immunotherapy Unit and researcher in the IDIBAPS Lymphoid neoplasms group received two grants: “Ajut Estudis Clinics AECC 2023” (“AECC 2023 Clinical Studies Grant”) for a phase I non-commercial clinical trial for treatment with ARI-HER2 for HER2+ breast cancer, in order to establish the bases for the development of a new therapeutic option for these patients. And the ATTRACT 2023 Grant, for a confirmatory trial of treatment with ARI-0001 for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia within the framework of the European Union, in order to ensure the treatment is available to the 27 Member States. These projects are endowed with almost 1 million euros each.
- Dr. Maria Reig, head of the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS Hepatic oncology (BCLC) Unit is coordinating the RETO Project. Advances in the Treatment of Liver Cancer: Modifying the Microbiome as a New Strategy to Boost Immunotherapy, which received the “Projectes Coordinats AECC 2023” (“AECC 2023 Coordinated Projects”) Grant. This project, endowed with 1.2 million euros, will study the relationship between the faecal microbiota, the tumour and its immune microenvironment in patients with liver cancer in order to increase the number of patients who benefit from immunotherapy.
- Dr. Iñaki Martín-Subero, head of the IDIBAPS Biomedical epigenomics group is coordinating the “Study of the clinical and biological impact of epigenetic changes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia” project. Through the in-depth analysis of the biological and clinical implications of epigenetic changes in leukaemia, the aim is to discover new areas of therapeutic vulnerability and improve the estimation of prognosis in patients. This project has received 300,000 euros for its development.
- Dr. Aida Niñerola, biomedical engineer, researcher in the IDIBAPS Diagnosis and therapy in oncology group and also researcher in the CIBER-BBN, received an Ajut Idees Llavor (Seed Ideas Grant) endowed with 20,000 euros, which aims to validate the mixed reality in radioguided surgery for sentinel node biopsy to improve accuracy and allow remote assistance from experts. This will benefit logistics and surgical techniques in the treatment of breast cancer.
Participation in other coordinated projects
Dr. Mercedes Fernández-Lobato, head of the IDIBAPS Translational control of liver disease and cancer group, is collaborating in the project coordinated by Dr. Salvador Aznar-Benitah of the Biomedical Research Institute (IRB Barcelona). “The "AECC 2023 Coordinated Project” on the Impact of Ageing and High-Fat Diets on Liver Health: Mechanisms and Strategies for Prevention and Reversal, received 1.2 million euros and will develop therapies for the prevention of liver cancer and its treatment.
Moreover, Guim Cascallo, received an AECC 2023 Programa Pràctiques Laboratori Curs Acadèmic (Academic Course Laboratory Practicum Programme) Grant, and Karmele Saez received an AECC 2023 Ajut Clínic de Formació d’Alumnes (Clinical Student Training Grant).