How to care for your heart
Following a balanced, low-salt diet, exercising and reducing stress are all factors that contribute to better heart health.
Following a balanced, low-salt diet, exercising and reducing stress are all factors that contribute to better heart health.
This Wednesday, the first episode of the second season of the ‘Information that cares for you/Information that cares’ podcast series will go live. Th1
On 30 April 2012, Miquel Palachi (34 years old) was at home with his partner when he fainted, falling to the ground, and experienced his first sudden1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona recently performed 9 transplants in under 48 hours. This milestone had never been recorded before at the Hospital an1
Founded in 1972, the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Cardiology Service is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Dr. Ana Garcia, Head of the Cardi1
The published results show that six months after implementation, 64% of patients had optimal heart function and that the pacing corrects cardiac asyn1
The Programme for the Integral, Transversal and Multidisciplinary Management of Aortic Valve Stenosis (MITMEVA) has already ensured that 15 patients1
Cardiology, cardiac surgery, orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and nutrition, neurology and medical oncology are1
A team of physicians and researchers from UPF and from the hospitals Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Clínic de Barcelona, shows that the use of this innova1
A study coordinated by researchers at BCNatal-IDIBAPS, and published by the journal JAMA Cardiology, shows that people born with a low birth weight p1