Clínic Barcelona

Anticoagulant treatment, Vitamin K and Diet

Following dietary recommendations, taking vitamin K regularly and treatment with an anticoagulant, such as Sintrom (acenocoumarol), are all important1

Clínic Barcelona

Can electronic cigarettes cause heart problems?

E-cigarettes are not a good alternative to stopping smoking. A recent study in the journal Nature explains that they can cause heart problems, apart1

Clínic Barcelona

How to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy are fatigue, nausea and vomiting. To alleviate them, you should rest, stay hydrated and maintain1

Clínic Barcelona

Can metastatic cancer be cured?

It is estimated that today 50% of cancer patients are cured and the remaining 50% are not cured, but live longer.

Clínic Barcelona

8 tips to prevent cancer

Avoiding tobacco use, leading a healthy lifestyle, protecting yourself from the sun and vaccination against infection by certain viruses are some fac1