Biomarkers of lung damage in patients who have survived severe COVID-19 have been identified
SARS-CoV-2-induced lung injury can produce epithelial and endothelial lung damage half a year after hospital discharge, especially in patients old1
SARS-CoV-2-induced lung injury can produce epithelial and endothelial lung damage half a year after hospital discharge, especially in patients old1
The Omicron variant that appeared in South Africa in November 2021 displaced the Delta variant in 3-4 weeks in over 100 countries and now represents1
Vaccination against flu and pneumonia is an important preventive measure that helps to stop these acute infections from developing, and thus helps to1
Interview with Dr Catia Cilloniz, a microbiologist and doctor of medicine at the applied research group on respiratory infections and critical illnes1
The study, led by CIBERES, included the participation of IDIBAPS and was published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
Interview with Dr. Jacobo Sellarés, Head of the Interstitial Lung Disease Working Group. Pulmonology and Respiratory Allergy Service at the Hospital1
A study coordinated by researchers at BCNatal-IDIBAPS, and published by the journal JAMA Cardiology, shows that people born with a low birth weight p1
Being physically active and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is one of the key factors in preventing respiratory infections in patients with bronchiect1
Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction that can affect the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular syste1
One of the most important components in treating patients with interstitial lung disease, such as pulmonary fibrosis, is oxygen therapy. Nevertheless1