New potential markers discovered for diagnosis and prognosis of head and neck cancer
Researchers at the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and the IISPV-HJ23-URV-CIBERDEM introduce tumour metabolism for the identification of new biomarkers for e1
Researchers at the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and the IISPV-HJ23-URV-CIBERDEM introduce tumour metabolism for the identification of new biomarkers for e1
This Tuesday, a new edition of the UB-Gilead HIV-Viral Hepatitis Chair was presented. The Chair was created by the University of Barcelona, in collab1
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has performed the first operation in Spain using a new laparoscopic surgery technique that fuses 3D and 4K image reprodu1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and CIBEREHD participated in the new guidelines made by the American Association for the Study of Liver1
A total of 43,000 samples have been collected from around 2,800 donors. The samples include blood derivatives, DNA, pluripotent mononuclear cells fro1
The Stem Cells for Huntington\'s Disease (SC4HD) is a new international consortium created to promote advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) throu1
Hospital Clínic participated in a study which shows that the implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators has dropped by more than 50% during th1
Researchers from IDIBAPS and CIBERONC have analysed the interaction between follicular lymphoma and its tumour microenvironment and propose a new pro1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have developed a calculator to predict the probability of COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failu1
A new study led by researchers at Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and the Pompeu Fabra University provides the largest catalogue to date of postnatal molecul1