Nearly 250 students take part in the IDIBAPS science workshops for Science Week
On Tuesday 16 November and Wednesday 17 November, school-leaving students and students in higher education took part in the open-air science workshop1
On Tuesday 16 November and Wednesday 17 November, school-leaving students and students in higher education took part in the open-air science workshop1
The biotechnological pharmaceutical company HIPRA has received authorization from the Spanish Agencyfor Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) to sta1
On Thursday, 11 November, the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC) awarded the AECC 2021 Grants for Cancer Research at an event held at the organization1
On 16 and 17 November, as part of 2021 Science Week, IDIBAPS is organizing a new edition of Generació Ciència (Generation Science), outdoor science w1
The researcher at the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS has received recognition for her study on mantle cell lymphomas published in the year 2020 in the journ1
Interview with Dr Catia Cilloniz, a microbiologist and doctor of medicine at the applied research group on respiratory infections and critical illnes1
The study, published by the journal Scientific Reports, presents the development of an innovative model of endothelial pathology of CTEPH in vitro, b1
The director of IDIBAPS won the award for his contribution to the study of lymphoid neoplasms.
The study, led by IDIBAPS researchers, also demonstrates the role of the molecule in vascular function.
The Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS is carrying out a trial to explore the effects of a diet enriched with walnuts for two years on healthy ageing in individ1