IDIBAPS and EUROIMMUN sign a new agreement on research into neuronal inflammatory diseases
The IDIBAPS research group Pathogenesis of neuronal autoimmune diseases, led by Josep Dalmau, and the company EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika1
The IDIBAPS research group Pathogenesis of neuronal autoimmune diseases, led by Josep Dalmau, and the company EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika1
Respiratory allergy affects around 25% of the general population, especially in spring, at the height of the pollen season. We talk to Dr. Joan Bartr1
Aleix Prat is leading the research, which focuses on discovering new ways of diagnosing hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, as well as new thera1
Installed in the lobby of the Esther Koplowitz Center (C/ Rosselló, 149-153 Barcelona), the exhibition shows the 15 finalist photographs of the V edi1
Understanding the mechanisms involved in ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease and identifying new therapeutic targets and markers for response to tre1
Researchers from Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have participated in an international collaboration led by IBEC in which they have generated human mini-kidn1
On 30 April 2012, Miquel Palachi (34 years old) was at home with his partner when he fainted, falling to the ground, and experienced his first sudden1
The study, in which Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS researchers have participated, shows that the perception of this stigma is associated with a deterioratio1
The activity is part of a new project, initiated this year, aimed to raise awareness of the research done at the Institute on different diseases amon1
Soy can be beneficial to health, especially in menopausal women at risk of developing osteosarcopenia and obesity. This food contains phytoestrogens,1