IDIBAPS opens the doors of its laboratories
On Friday, November 24, the Institute held an open day to bring biomedical research to everyone.
On Friday, November 24, the Institute held an open day to bring biomedical research to everyone.
Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) caused by the herpes simplex virus is most common type in industrialised countries. It tends to occur sporad1
An IDIBAPS study published in Nature Communications shows that the ZEB1 gene regulates the immune system’s inflammatory response.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a type of immunotherapy against cancer that activates the immune system to attack tumour cells. Although it is quite1
In October, the association organized an activity to raise funds for breast cancer research at IDIBAPS.
November 18 is the International Day of LGBTQIA+ People in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The PRISMA Association, of which1
Clarivate Analytics has published its ranking of the most cited researchers in the world, the Highly Cited Researchers, which identifies the most inf1
The Catalan Tumour Bank Network (XBTC) has renewed its corporate identity and website to project a more dynamic and local network in the biomedicine1
Last week took place the presentation of the piece “Untitled”, a painting by Eva Lootz installed in the mezzanine of the CEK building. At the event,1