Publicacions destacades

Projectes destacats

  • “Understanding the elements of context that inter-influence the development and implementation of innovations, such as advanced practice nursing roles (apn), in two countries”

    Investigador/a principal: Sonia Sevilla Guerra
    Finançador: Generalitat de Catalunya
    Codi: SLT/2381/2016
    Durada: 01/05/2017 - 31/12/2017
  • Emerging collaborative research on roles of advance practice nursing

    Investigador/a principal: Sonia Sevilla Guerra
    Finançador: Ministeri de relacions internacionals i de la francòfona de canada (mrif)
    Codi: 08.308
    Durada: 04/09/2016 - 01/01/2019
  • Role delineation study of advanced practice nursing, a cross-sectional study of practice domains and trends in role functions

    Investigador/a principal: Sonia Sevilla Guerra
    Finançador: Col.legi Oficial D´Infermeria de Barcelona
    Codi: PR016-16
    Durada: 01/05/2016 - 30/12/2016
  • Understanding the elements of context that inter-influence the development and implementation of innovations, such as advanced practice nursing roles (apn), in two countries

    Investigador/a principal: Sonia Sevilla Guerra
    Finançador: Universitat de Quebec a Rimiouski
    Durada: 06/09/2015 - 04/09/2016