Línies de recerca
Alcoholism and other addictions, and related comorbidities: new diagnosis tools and treatment
1) Identification of the pattern of cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol use as a function of gender and psychiatric comorbidities that predicts greater use of hospital resources.
2) What works and why. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing as a treatment for substance use disorders.
Cannabis use disorders and risky cannabis use
1) Influence of introducing the construct of "cannabis risk use" with a co-created formative intervention on cannabis health literacy in youth and adolescents.
Addictions prevention, addictions workforce & training, and public health
1) Workforce in Addictions - Valorisation in Europe (WAVE)
Digital health and Addictions
Example: IBM-ABJ: Motivational Brief Intervention combined with Game-Based Learning to improve retention in treatment of patients with alcohol-related liver damage.